Monday, February 9, 2015


I know what you're all thinking. What I did was unspeakably wrong. I should not have resorted to such open violence.

But these people have killed our families. They have maimed Amos, and they were perfectly okay with butchering him in his hospital bed. They murdered Marcel and Frank. They will stop at nothing to hunt down and kill us and all of our allies. We know that Edward Tamaron is still alive, and if it somehow enabled him to accomplish his goals he would disembowel and eat a baby.

I would not have done that if I had not completely confirmed that these guys were Abbey members. We have talked and agreed--I will never do that again. But I felt I needed to send a warning to Tamaron. Satan knows he's sent enough to us. Let's see how he reacts when he takes a loss.

Vengeance is never the answer. War is never the answer. But I will not sit idly by and watch my friends be executed. So I'm going to deliberately give the wrong answer, and I don't want anyone out there to admire me for it. Seriously. The four of us are about to become killers.

We discussed it, and--the four of us have a new banner to rally under. A.S. is the brains (the "crippled genius," he calls himself), and we're his three hands in a street war against the Abbey of Serpentis.

Call us the motherfucking New O'Grady Mob. Garry's name.

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