Tuesday, August 19, 2014

What Qom Saw

So I've been sick for a little bit now here, probably because I got some nasty-ass sewer water in my mouth by falling in chasing that guy. I don't think there's anything worse in the world than sewer water in your mouth. Bleh.

Well, before I got out of there, I did see something.

That Serpentis guy wasn't alone. There were three of them down there.

I could have possibly had triple vision from the impact of the fall, but I'm tougher than I look. I swear that there were three guys in that tunnel.

We're getting worried again, and that's after the fact that we haven't seen any more guys near our houses. Actually, maybe that in itself is a reason to worry, too. Good news is, there's been no activity on the Wiki which we really need to update. I guess Danill got tired of trolling us or we scared him off. Good riddance.

In any case, I'm not personally worried too much. My family keeps the door locked at night, and I'm watching the streets.

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