Friday, August 15, 2014

We Followed Them

It was so difficult to resist.

It happened when Garry, Derek, Marcel, and me were hanging out at my place, playing some games. A.S. wasn't feeling so good so he was back at home hanging out with Jacob. When the guy showed up at the edge of my front lawn, Marcel and Derek and I had had enough. We were going to intentionally notice him, wait for him to notice we noticed him, and then pursue him as soon as he inevitably ran away.

And so that was what we did.

He was a lithe little shit, but we didn't lose track of him. Derek kept joking to us (quietly of course) that there was no defense against the tracking skills of a gay guy. But I mean I've had some athletic training from when I was a kid, and Marcel is something of an army brat, so we actually did have some skills that would help us run this dude down. Still, I had sorta hoped Garry had come with us. I think he got nervous at the last second. Which is understandable, given what happened next.

We realized that the guy was actively trying to duck us. So, we decided to trick him into thinking we'd headed back. We turned around in plain sight, with Marcel keeping an eye on him, and when he stopped in his tracks we jumped behind a tree. And that was enough to fool him, I guess.

What happened next was a little odd, to say the least.

He went down into the sewers.

Needless to say we sorta lost our nerve at that point, and went back to the house.


Despite the skepticism of everyone except me, I think we got the Order of Serpentis on our hands.

I sorta want A.S. to contact his dude over in Morris again, see if we can get any more intel on what's happening. Because this is really frickin' weird.

I'm going to be honest here.

Next time these guys show up? I'm gonna follow them again.

And if they go into the sewers one more time, I'm going to call my suspicions confirmed.

Question is, what do we do from there?

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