We were wrong about many things, in fact.
Qom went back to the sewers and we went with him--all of us. It didn't seem like a good idea, and it wasn't. Because I'm gonna drop a fucking bombshell on you all--the cult is real, and it lives in the sewers of Alberta.
I brought a camera with me and as soon as those hooded goons came out of hiding. They were yelling things at both each other and at us, and I really can't rightly say which one was fucking scarier. But I snapped their pictures and off we dashed, splashing around in the fucking horrible shit water. They must've given up the chase at some point, because we had to boost each other out. The shit got all over our hands, but we were pretty well covered from all the splashing.
I was gonna post the picture up here ASAP, as proof, but low and behold, as night fell over my place of residence, I heard the distinct sound of glass shattering. I grabbed my bowie knife and dashed downstairs, but they were quick bastards. I guess I shouldn't have left the thing containing anti-cult evidence out in the open. I saw them down the street, running, still wearing those goddamn robes. I could've jumped on a bike or something and gone after them, but I was too stunned. Because now I think it's safe to say--like my window, our collective view of this town has been shattered.
We've talked about it at great motherfucking length. We're gonna get to the bottom of this. It could still be a prank, but the way they yelled at us down in those tunnels--I don't say this often, but I don't think I'll easily forget that.
Stay tuned. Maybe keep us in your wishes. If you're even reading us, that is.
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